Thursday, January 5, 2012

Grand Opening to human and doggie run and owned.

Zach Slater and his very rich and very loud doggie friend named Leo.the dog,jointly had built and now also just opened for bussiness ,Doggie -Human night club and hotel here in the very big city of Pinevalley,Penn,Zach Slater's very friendly and very beauitful wife named Kendal Hart came to visit this place on opening night,J.R.Chandler and his very beauitfutful wife named Babe Carey Chandler were seen drinking lots of bottles of wine and getting very drunk,Erica Kane also came to this grand opening of this place,along with Ryan Lavery and his degraned killer Wife named Anne Lavery,who were seen siting at a very large,along with Tad Martin and his very beauitful and polite wife named Dixie Martin, and here at this nightclub and hotel are Todd Manning visiting from the city of Llanview,penn,who is good friends with the owners here.
Adam Chandler is siting at another very large tables ,with his new friend named Bo Buchanan,who is the well respected police commisioner of the Llanview Police Deptment, who 's very brave police officers Saved the life of Starr Manning,who is the daughter of Todd Manning,who life was saved Llanview Chief of Police detectivces named Detectivce Police LT John Mcbain who saved the life of Starr Manning,who was all most shot and killed by Doctor Spencer Truman and his much girl friend Christina Ralson,who had a grudge against Starr Manning,